- The court granted him permission to disinter the body.
Formulation and Evaluation of Naratriptan Orodispersible Tablets Using Superdisintergrants by Direct Compression Method
Indeterminacy in Exchange: Disinterring Jevons’s Trading Bodies
The Disinterred Muse: Donne's Texts and Contexts (review)
The Disinterred Muse: Donne's Texts and Contexts by David Novarr
The Disinterred Muse. Donne's Texts and Contexts
Review: The Disinterred Muse: Donne's Texts and Contexts
Philadelphia, Pa.: Interments and Disinterments. Preparation of Bodies for Burial or Transportation. (Reg. Bd. of H., Oct. 3, 1912)
Increase of disintergin metalloprotease 10 (ADAM10) expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Disinterring ideology from a corpus of obituaries: a critical post mortem
Bulky water-disintegratable cleaning article and process of producing water-disintergratable paper