Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Culture Economy
Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy
Solving the disjuncture between research and practice: Telehealth trends in the 21st century
Conjuncture or disjuncture? An institutionalist analysis of local regeneration partnerships in the UK
'The Very Coinage of Your Brain': The Anatomy of Reality Disjunctures
Encountering Order and Disjuncture: Contemporary Anthropological Perspectives on the Organization of Development
Encountering Order and Disjuncture: Contemporary Anthropological Perspectives on the Organisation of Development
“Are we a family or a business?” History and disjuncture in the urban American street gang
The Business of Branded Enchantment Ambivalence and Disjuncture in the Global Children’s Culture Industry
Actual versus Desired Initiation Patterns among a Sample of College Men: Tapping Disjunctures within Traditional Male Sexual Scripts