- Dynamo's defence looks disorganize.
Does Disorganized Capitalism Disorganize Corporate Networks?
Polycations which disorganize the outer membrane inhibit conjugation in Escherichia coli
Disorganize:the Strategy of Homeowners' Collective Activisms——A Survey of the Anti-Incinerator Action in Guangzhou
Factors which disorganize microtubules or microfilaments increase the frequency of cell transformation by polyoma virus.
Failure of simian virus 40 small t antigen to disorganize actin cables in nonpermissive cell lines
Apoptotic cells subjected to cold/warming exposure disorganize apoptotic microtubule network and undergo secondary necrosis.
Inhibitors of Protein Kinases and Phosphatases Alter Root Morphology and Disorganize Cortical Microtubules
G protein beta2 subunit antisense oligonucleotides inhibit cell proliferation and disorganize microtubule and mitotic spindle organi...
Cholesterol depletion by methyl-β-cyclodextrin enhances myoblast fusion and induces the formation of myotubes with disorganized nuc...
Mutations in BCAP31 Cause a Severe X-Linked Phenotype with Deafness, Dystonia, and Central Hypomyelination and Disorganize the Golgi...