- For a long time sol-fa is a disputable issue in the solfeggio training.
而视唱在视唱练耳课中又占有中心地位,视唱训练中的唱名法问题一直是一个有争议的话题。 - If we are to include that highly disputable clause in the text of the draft are we not to defeat our onw purpose?
Challenging the Role of Microtubules in Tobacco Mosaic Virus Movement by Drug Treatments Is Disputable
The clinical trial: deceitful, disputable, unbelievable, unhelpful, and shameful--what next?
Hannah Arendt's Ghosts: Reflections on the Disputable Path from Windhoek to Auschwitz
Structural basis for lymphoid tissue functions: established and disputable sites of antigen-cell and cell-to-cell interactions in vivo
Gacaca and DDR: the disputable record of state-building in Rwanda
The Clinical Trial
Social Pressure Influences Decisions of Individuals: Evidence from the Behavior of Football Referees
Principals and Accessories in Capital Felony-Murder: The Proportionality Principle Reigns Supreme
Dilemmas in a general theory of planning
Teachers' Beliefs and Educational Research: Cleaning up a Messy Construct