Distal interphalangeal joint
Genome scan for predisposing loci for distal interphalangeal joint osteoarthritis: evidence for a locus on 2q.
Tan AL, Grainger AJ, Tanner SF et al.A high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging study of distal interphalangeal joint arthropathy ...
Joint sense, muscle sense, and their combination as position sense, measured at the distal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger.
Relation between Heberden's nodes and distal interphalangeal joint osteophytes and their role as markers of generalised disease
The relationship between the extensor tendon enthesis and the nail in distal interphalangeal joint disease in psoriatic arthritis--a...
Osteoarthritis of the distal interphalangeal joint
Nail and distal interphalangeal joint in psoriatic arthritis
Skin necrosis complicating mallet finger splinting and vascularity of the distal interphalangeal joint overlying skin
Collateral desmitis of the distal interphalangeal joint in 62 horses (January 2001-December 2003).