- A loud noise from the street diverted my attention.
街上一阵喧闹声转移了我的注意力。 - From here it travels to the muscular gizzard.
Do community colleges really divert students from earning bachelor's degrees?
Endogenously Opsonized Particles Divert Prostanoid Action from Lethal to Protective in Models of Experimental Endotoxemia
Bacteria divert resources from growth for magellanic penguin chicks
Erratum: Endogenously opsonized particles divert prostanoid action from lethal to protective in models of experimental endotoxemia (...
Does prenatal influenza divert susceptible females from later affective psychosis to schizophrenia?
Given Financial Constraints, It Would Be Unethical To Divert Antiretroviral Drugs From Treatment To Prevention
Delinquency best treatments: how to divert youths from violence while saving lives and detention costs.
Geophysical exploration for a long deep tunnel to divert water from the Yangtze to the Yellow River,China
Geophysical exploration for a long deep tunnel to divert water from the Yangtze to the Yellow River, China
GMC considers widening number of cases it will divert from formal hearings