- Several people talking at once distract a listener.
几个人同时讲话会使听者分散注意力。 - We created a diversion to escape from prison.
Resource use peak dates distract from real planetary limits
TRUMP: Democrats want a 'SHUTDOWN' to distract from the tax bill
Attempting to reduce sodium intake might do harm and distract from a greater enemy.
FBI agents vow not to let 'partisan politics' distract from their mission after memo release
Instructions to focus upon or distract from internal cues during exposure treatment of agoraphobic avoidance.
Many Land Mines on Road to Irish Peace; Rumors, Scandals Distract from Real Story of Terrorism
Screening for type 2 diabetes: does the ADDITION--Cambridge trial distract from the real policy challenge?
Cake Pops and Communion Wafers: Don't Let a Pinterest-Inspired Party Distract from a Holy Celebration of the Sacraments
A killer whale learning to speak human words is a 'circus act' to distract from the cruelty of her captivity, say animal rights acti...
"Colloid twice daily"is not fluid resuscitation! Inappropriate inclusion of clinical trials in meta-analyses may distract from gaps...