Anthologie du théâtre québécois, 1606-1970 /[A case of traumatic bitemporal hemianopsia]GELATINA LAXATIVA HIPOCALORICA A BASE DE ACEITE DE PARAFINA LIQUIDA Y DE LACTULOSA Y PROCEDIMIENTO PARA SU PREPARACION.NUEVA COMPOSICION FARMACEUTICA QUE CONTIENE TRIMEBUTINA Y SU PROCEDIMIENTO DE PREPARACION.Les violons de l'automne - Performance - 1963Iphigénie en Tauride - Performance - 1952Europium-doped bioapatite: a new photostable biological probe, internalizable by human cells.Synthesis of luminescent bioapatite nanoparticles for utilization as a biological probeIntravitreous injection of PLGA microspheres encapsulating GDNF promotes the survival of photoreceptors in the rd1/rd1 mousePlasmid electrotransfer of eye ciliary muscle: principles and therapeutic efficacy using hTNF-alpha soluble receptor in uveitis