on the docket在审理中;在考虑中;在审查中
- You will also receive a Docket Number, or reference number for your suit.
Interpretation of Lockout/Tagout: General Motors Corporation, Delco Chassis Division, OSHRC Docket Nos. 91-2973, 91-3116 & 91-3117 (...
Railroad Consolidation Procedures--Temporary Trackage Rights ExemptionIn this docket, the Board is simultaneously serving and will b...
Early Education on Legislative Docket in N.Y. - Education Week
[Docket No. FAA-2002-12141]
Spectrum Policy Task Force Report
Spectrum policy task force
Virtual pointing device for touchscreens
American Estate Management Corporation vs. International Investment and Development Corporation : Reply Brief
Mutually Destructive Bidding: The FCC Auction Design Problem
Department of Health and Human Services.