- Let's spend another half an hour painting and then have done with it.
我们再画半个小时把它画完吧。 - Their relationship is over and done with.
他们的关系完全断绝了。 - The homework could be done with ease.
家庭作业很容易做。 - Get done with the work!
Done With
Quantum Mechanics for Everyone: Can it be done with Technology?
Comparison of scars from total hip replacements done with a standard or a mini-incision.
Specific and sensitive diagnosis of schistosome infection: can it be done with antibodies?
'I could have just done with a little more help': an analysis of women's help-seeking from health visitors in the context of domesti...
Muscle Damage After Total Hip Arthroplasty Done with the Two-Incision Minimally Invasive and the Mini-Posterior Techniques
Custom-designed femoral prostheses in total hip arthroplasty done with cement for severe dysplasia of the hip
‘I could have just done with a little more help’: an analysis of women's help‐seeking from health visitors in the conte...
The Frank Stinchfield Award: muscle damage after total hip arthroplasty done with the two-incision and mini-posterior techniques.
Force measurements on myelin basic protein adsorbed to mica and lipid bilayer surfaces done with the atomic force microscope.