- There is no wisdom in useless and hopeless sorrow.
在无益和无望的悲哀中绝无智慧可言。 - Survival was unlikely since the river water was so deep and cold.
Doom and Gloom
Doom and gloom.
Doom and Gloom
Overcoming "Doom and Gloom": Empowering Students in Courses on Social Problems, Injustice, and Inequality
The iSchools, Education for Librarianship, and the Voice of Doom and Gloom
Resident work hour reform: not all doom and gloom.
A pediatrician's view. Doom and gloom again--what we can do about it
Small Scale Mining and the Environment: Bloom beyond the doom and gloom?
The doom and gloom of divorce research. Comment on Wallerstein and Lewis (2004).
It's not all doom and gloom for teenage mothers – exploring the factors that contribute to positive outcomes
Through a Glass, Darkly: IS: Doom and Gloom Forecasts?
Through a Glass, Darkly: IS: Doom and Gloom Forecasts?
Doom and Gloom or Economic Boom? The Myth of the "North Korean Collapse"