- He was aroused from his nap by the doorbell.
他午睡时被门铃吵醒。 - Fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rings.
十五分钟后,门铃响了。 - I was shaving when the doorbell rang.
Chilled white wine, when all of a sudden the doorbell rings: Mere reference and evaluation versus expectancy and preparation in huma...
When the doorbell rings–a case of building response to a long distance earthquake
LCSH is to thesaurus as doorbell is to mammal: visualizing structural problems in the Library of Congress subject headings
The doorbell rang
Automatic doorbell
Doorbell block
The Preference for Self-Correction in the Organization of Repair in Conversation
Wireless Sensor Networks for Home Health Care - eScholarship
Sound-induced seizures in serotonin 5-HT2c receptor mutant mice