Dopaquinone lactone多巴苯醌内酯
Dopaquinone sulphate多巴醌硫酸盐
Dopaquinone addition products in cultured human melanoma cells
Dopaquinone redox exchange with dihydroxyindole and dihydroxyindole carboxylic acid
Chemistry of mixed melanogenesis--pivotal roles of dopaquinone
Chemistry of Mixed Melanogenesis—Pivotal Roles of Dopaquinone†
Chemistry of Mixed Melanogenesis—Pivotal Roles of Dopaquinone †
Melanin. I. Kinetics of the oxidative cyclization of dopa to dopaquinone
Spontaneous redox reactions of dopaquinone and the balance between the eumelanic and phaeomelanic pathways.
Evidence for covalent lipoyl adduction with dopaquinone following tyrosinase-catalyzed oxidation
Trapping of a dopaquinone intermediate in the TPQ cofactor biogenesis in a copper-containing amine oxidase from Arthrobacter globifo...
Quantum chemical approach to the mechanism for the biological conversion of tyrosine to dopaquinone.