Degassing of alkalic basalts
Nature of alkalic volcanic rock series
Alkalic magmas generated by partial melting of garnet pyroxenite
Relation between alkalic volcanism and slab window formation
Origin of Hawaiian tholeiite and alkalic basalt
Volatiles in Alkalic Basalts form the North Arch Volcanic Field, Hawaii: Extensive Degassing of Deep Submarine-erupted Alkalic Serie...
Alkalic (ocean-island basalt type) and calc-alkalic volcanism in the Mexican volcanic belt: A case for plume-related magmatism and p...
Partial Melting Experiments of Peridotite + CO2 at 3 GPa and Genesis of Alkalic Ocean Island Basalts
Geochemistry of Hannuoba basalts, eastern China: Constraints on the origin of continental alkalic and tholeiitic basalt
Hydrogen loss from olivines in mantle xenoliths from Simcoe (USA) and Mexico: Mafic alkalic magma ascent rates and water budget of t...