- All the big shopping centers are having a sales campaign for down jackets now.
现在各大商场都在举办羽绒服大减价活动。 - If you do not have a small cotton-padded jacket, it would better to bring this down jacket home!
Consequences of Lipid Droplet Coat Protein Downregulation in Liver Cells Abnormal Lipid Droplet Metabolism and Induction of Insulin ...
Phosphorylation down-regulates the RNA binding function of the coat protein of potato virus A
Coat Color Determination by miR-137 Mediated Down-regulation of Microphthalmia-Associated Transcription Factor in a Mouse Model
Flock house virus: down-regulation of subgenomic RNA3 synthesis does not involve coat protein and is targeted to synthesis of its po...
Functional Optimization Design of Long Down Coat's Waist
Downregulation of E-cadherin and its undercoat proteins in pituitary growth hormone cell adenomas with prominent fibrous bodies
Dong C, Wang H, Xue L, Dong Y, Yang L, Fan R, Yu X, Tian X, Ma S, Smith GWCoat color determination by miR-137 mediated down-regulati...
Down Ticket, Few Reach for Obama's Coattails; Distance Aids Democrats This Year
Comparisons of Thermal and Evaporative Resistances of Kapok Coats and Traditional Down Coats
Hard coat aluminum anodizing : The low-down on how anodizers can get their feet wet and enter the lucrative hard coat market