- She sat there with her head drooping.
她垂着头坐在那儿。 - She was so tired, her eyelids were beginning to droop.
她太疲倦了,眼睑开始往下垂。 - The crops were drooping for want of water.
农作物缺水枯萎了。 - His spirits drooped after he failed the exam.
- In the droop of her lip there was something sensuous.
Origin of efficiency droop in GaN-based light-emitting diodes
A Voltage and Frequency Droop Control Method for Parallel Inverters
A voltage and frequency droop control method for parallel inverters
Droop-free high output light emitting devices and methods of fabricating and operating same
The origin of efficiency droop in GaN-based light-emitting diodes and its solution
Hierarchical Control of Droop-Controlled AC and DC Microgrids—A General Approach Toward Standardization
Hierarchical control of droop-controlled DC and AC microgrids — a general approach towards standardization
Design and Analysis of the Droop Control Method for Parallel Inverters Considering the Impact of the Complex Impedance on the Power ...
Polarization-matched GaInN/AlGaInN multi-quantum-well light-emitting diodes with reduced efficiency droop