- The amount of the anti-dumping duty shall not exceed the margin of dumping established in a final determination.
第四十二条反倾销税税额不超过终裁决定确定的倾销幅度。 - Thc determination of dumping and dumping margin is subject to the comparison between different prices.
Dumping margin calculation and the zeroing procedure
Anti-dumping Investigation: Calculation of the Dumping Margin
Dumping Margin Processor
Paving the Way for Unfair Competition: The Imposition of EU Anti-Dumping Duties on Ceramic Tiles from China
Are there Positive Impacts for Adopting Lesser Duty Rule in Anti-dumping Investigations
Creaming, skimping and dumping: provider competition on the intensive and extensive margins 1 This is a substantially rewritten vers...
ARCHIVED - SIMA - Aluminum Extrusions - Initiation of Investigation - Statement of Reasons
Theoretical Thinking on Dumping
Critical success factors for international travel fairs, using the Taipei International Travel Fair as an example
Improvement of estimation method of export efficiency