Strength tests on thin-walled duralumin cylinders in torsion
Phase stability of duralumin machined with bonded and brazed carbide tools
Strength tests of thin-walled duralumin cylinders in pure bending
Superplastic deformation of duralumin LY12CZ under an electric field
Strength tests of thin-walled duralumin cylinders of elliptic section
Effect of Aluminium and Alumina on the Lung in Grinders of Duralumin Aeroplane Propellers.
Extended finite element method (XFEM) applied to aircraft duralumin spar fatigue life estimation
Dynamic recrystallization at superplastic deformation of duralumin with initial recrystallized structure
Taguchi based fuzzy logic optimization of multiple quality characteristics in laser cutting of Duralumin sheet
Cutting force reduction and surface quality improvement in machining of aerospace duralumin AL-2017-T4 using carbon onion nanolubric...