Leuconostoc durionis 16S rRNA gene, type strain LMG 22556T
Adsorption research of Durion onto soils and carbon adsorbents
XVII. Observations on the Durion, Durio zibethinus of Linnæus
Migration of simazin with erosion products duriong snow melt
Leuconostoc durionis sp. nov., a heterofermenter with no detectable gas production from glucose
The Validation of Two New Family Names in Malvales: Durionaceae and Brownlowiaceae
Leaf Spot Characteristics of Phomopsis Durionis on Durian (Durio Zibethinus Murray) and Latent Infection of the Pathogen
Asexual Reproduction Of Durion Zibenthinus And In Vitro Disease Screening Of D Zibethinus To Phytorptora Palmivora And Corticium Sol...
3121 Construction of a Scenario and a Simulation Model Duriong Spreading of the Fire in a Town Area Conflaglation
Etude expérimentale de la dynamique de percolation du durion dans les fonds de fossés agricoles suites à succession de crues