用作名词 (n.)
介词+~- at dusk一到黄昏
- by dusk到黄昏时
- in the dusk of在…一片昏暗
- through the dusk通过暮色
- The lights go on at dusk.
一到黄昏灯就亮了。 - He usually goes out for a walk at dusk.
他通常在黄昏时出去散步。 - He works from dawn till dusk.
他从天亮工作到天黑。 - We made a landfall at dusk after three weeks at sea.
在海上航行三周后的一个黄昏,我们看到了陆地。 - Dusk was brooding over the lake.
薄暮正笼罩着湖水。 - She was invisible in the dusk of the room.
Apt Pupil (film)
D03.438.759.646.138.124 [Categoria DeCS]
Apt Pupil: Different Seasons Tie In: Apt Pupil
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