Duty-Free Shop
Duty-Free Shop
시내면세점(duty-free shop)의 점포분위기, 인지적 평가, 감정적 평가 및 행동반응간의 관계에 대한 연구
From State Collapse to Duty-Free Shop: Somalia's Path to Modernity
Evaluating servicescape designs using a VR-based laboratory experiment: A case of a Duty-free Shop
The Effect of Duty Free Shop Consumers' Store Benefits Sought and Fashion Merchandise Shopping Orientation on Store Satisfaction
A Study on Effects of Time Pressure Perceived by Users of Airport Duty-free Shop on Impulsive Purchasing Behavior and repurchase Int...
The decision-making processes of duty-free shop users using a goal directed behavior model: The moderating effect of gender
Impact of physical environments on duty-free shop patrons’ emotional responses and purchasing behaviors : Examining inbound Chinese...
The Effect of Servicescape at Airport Duty Free Shop on Customer Satisfaction and Image
Effects of images of city-based duty-free shops on shopping flow and duty-free shop satisfaction - Focused on Chinese Tourists -
Measles Outbreak in a Duty Free Shop, Northern Taiwan, 2015
Improvement of Service Encounter in Duty free shop using Service Blueprinting