用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- dwarf a little dinghy使小船显得小
- dwarf other dramatists使其他剧作家相形见绌
white dwarf[天]白矮星
dwarf star矮星
brown dwarf棕矮星;褐矮星
red dwarf红矮星(表面温度较低且亮度较弱的恒星)
- You are a giant of words and dwarf of action.
你是言词的巨人,行动的矮子。 - There is a dwarf apple tree in our garden.
在我们的花园里有一棵矮苹果树。 - The kind dwarf asked the little princess to have dinner with him.
善良的小矮人邀请小公主和他一起吃晚饭。 - A dwarf on a giant's shoulders sees further of the two.
- Each innovation destined to dwarf the extensive accomplishment of the Greeks-Euclidean geometry.
每一个创新都注定希腊人的巨大成就--欧几里德几何相形见绌。 - As China's income per head catches up, its economy will soon dwarf those of its Asian neighbors.
- They act out their dramas in a setting whose wilderness immensity both dwarf and ennobles whatever they achieve
Two dwarves from Sweden: A unique case
From dwarves to giants? Plant height manipulation for biomass yield.
Capture of Inelastic Dark Matter in White Dwarves
Tall tales from sly dwarves: novel functions of gibberellins in plant development
Dwarf Intelligence - A large object carried by seven dwarves -
In search of the Seven Dwarves: issues of measurement and meaning in alcohol expectancy research.
Could the Magellanic Clouds be tidal dwarves expelled from a past-merger event occurring in Andromeda?
The Formation of Free-Floating Brown Dwarves and Planetary-Mass Objects by Photo-Erosion of Prestellar Cores
The formation of free-floating brown dwarves and planetary-mass objects by photo-erosion of prestellar cores
Miocene fossils show that kiwi (Apteryx, Apterygidae) are probably not phyletic dwarves