allergic dyestuffs过敏性染料
dyestuffs purity染料纯度
Textile dyestuffs分散性染料
liquid dyestuffs液体染料
new dyestuffs新染料
plant dyestuffs植物染料
Wood dyestuffs染料木提取物
British Dyestuffs英国染料公司
Dyestuffs Case燃料案
Ourcompanyneeds toproducethewrapping paperoffood,requirethedyestuffstoconform with thefoodrequirement,canyouaccomplish?
Severaldyestuffshave been prohibited fromusefortextilesbynewGermanlegislation,sincerelevantresearchshowed thatthesechemicalswillresult incancer.
"Adidasdoes not source fabrics from YoungorGroup,whichwould involve the useofdyestuffs,chemicalsandtheirassociatedwatertreatmentprocesses,"the company said inastatement.
Adsorption of dyestuffs onto chitin. External mass transfer processes
New perylene and violanthrone dyestuffs for fluorescent collectors
The degradation of dyestuffs: Part I Primary biodegradation under anaerobic conditions
Fuller's earth and fired clay as adsorbents for dyestuffs
The degradation of dyestuffs: Part II Behaviour of dyestuffs in aerobic biodegradation tests
The adsorption of dyestuffs from aqueous solutions using activated carbon. iii. intraparticle diffusion processes
The adsorption of dyestuffs from aqueous solutions using the activated carbon adsorption model to determine breakthrough curves
The adsorption of dyestuffs from aqueous solutions using activated carbon: An external mass transfer and homogeneous surface diffusi...
Degradation of commercial reactive dyestuffs by heterogenous and homogenous advanced oxidation processes: a comparative study
The adsorption of dyestuffs from aqueous solution using activated carbon: Analytical solution for batch adsorption based on external...