Transition temperature of strong-coupled superconductors reanalyzed
Direct measurement of quasiparticle-lifetime broadening in a strong-coupled superconductor
Tunneling Conductance of Asymmetrical Barriers
Reversible electric control of exchange bias in a multiferroic field-effect device.
Scanning-Tunneling-Microscope Observation of the Abrikosov Flux Lattice and the Density of States near and inside a Fluxoid
Observation of Josephson pair tunneling between a high- T c cuprate ( YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 - δ ) and a conventional superconductor (Pb)
Information Technology and Organizational Change
Mesotaxy: Single‐crystal growth of buried CoSi2 layers
Relationship between viscoelastic properties and gelation in thermosetting systems
Scanning-Tunneling-Microscope Observation of the Abrikosov Flux Lattice and the Density of States near and inside a Fluxoid