- And the auxiliary brake uses an Eddy current brake or EATON brake.
辅助刹车既可用涡流刹车,亦可用伊顿刹车。 - She lived in the little village of Eaton, ten miles or so out of Grantham.
Calcium-channel antibodies in the Lambert-Eaton syndrome and other paraneoplastic syndromesThe Synaptic Vesicle Protein Synaptotagmin Associates with Calcium Channels and is a Putative Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome Anti...THE LAMBERT-EATON MYASTHENIC SYNDROMEThe Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome. A review of 50 casesAtteinte des conductances cutanées électrochimiques au sudoscan dans le cadre d’un syndrome de Lambert Eaton associé à une myas...The mayfly Rhithrogena germanica Eaton in Hojen BaekL.—List of mollusca collected by the Rev. A. E. Eaton at Spitsbergen during the third voyage of B&perio...The epithelial-mesenchymal transition generates cells with properties of stem cellsThe epidemiology of sepsis in the United States from 1979 through 2000DSM-III-R generalized anxiety disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey