Human NeurologyEfferent phrenic nerve and respiratory neuron activities in the developing kitten: spontaneous discharges and hypoxic responses.L-type Ca2+ current in frog tectal recurrent neurons determines the NMDA receptor activation on efferent neuron.Effects of acutely raising intracranial pressure on cardiac sympathetic efferent neuron functionThe efferent modulation effect of AP neuron on the positional information of pressure stimulus in the leech, Whitmania pigraTemporal characteristics of efferent neuron discharge during muscle contraction in the crayfish claw[Proceedings: 345. Efferent neuron in the ocellus of dragonfly (author's transl)].Activation of cervical spinal interneurons from identified efferent neuron colonies of motorsensory cortex in catsInfluences of afferent neurons on efferent neurons. II. Some specific effects of deafferentation on central and efferent neuronsLower motor neuron-general somatic efferent system