- It could be inferred that children experienced from egocentricity to de-egocentricity during the development of picture judgment.
egocentricityEgocentricityEgocentricity in Discourse and SyntaxRorschach Egocentricity Index and Self-Concept in Children and AdolescentsThe Egocentricity Index and Self-Esteem in Court Ordered Psychiatric EvaluationsExploring the dimensions of egocentricity in aircraft navigation displays.The Self Focus Sentence Completion: a study of egocentricity.Perspective taking in conversation: A defense of speaker non-egocentricityThe Rorschach Egocentricity Index in subjects with intellectual disability: a study on the incidence of different psychological path...Right supramarginal gyrus is crucial to overcome emotional egocentricity bias in social judgments.