
  • n.

    选任的( elective的名词复数 );有选举权的;(课程)选修的;(可选择的)可选择的

  • 学习怎么用


    Electives: isn’t it time for a change?
    Electives: isn’t it time for a change?
    International child health electives for pediatric residents.
    Test of a cardiology patient simulator with students in fourth-year electives
    Effects of international health electives on medical student learning and career choice: results of a systematic literature review.
    Educational effects of international health electives on U.S. and Canadian medical students and residents: a literature review.
    International Experience, Electives, and Volunteerism in Surgical Training: A Survey of Resident Interest - Journal of the American ...
    Knowing When to Say "No"on the Student Elective: Students Going on Electives Abroad Need Clinical Guidelines
    Results of a national survey of surgical resident interest in international experience, electives, and volunteerism.
    Opening our hearts and minds: The meaning of international clinical nursing electives in the personal and professional lives of nurses