Machado de Assis, Encomiast of LunacyB. The EncomiastB. The EncomiastThe Folly of Praise: Plato's Critique of Encomiastic Discourse in the Lysis and SymposiumThe 'Historical' Bundy and Encomiastic Relevance in PindarSilence and Decorum: Encomiastic Convention and the Epilogue of Horace "Carm."3.2Encomiastic Elements in the Dionysiaca of NonnusViljamaaToivo: Studies in Greek Encomiastic Poetry of the Early Byzantine Period. Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Finnish Academy (Com...Dos poemas encomiñasticos de Enrique Vaca de Alfaro en La Montaña de los Ángeles (Córdoba, 1674) de Fernando Pedrique del MonteThe Encomiastic Topics of Syncrisis as the Key to the Structure and Argument of Hebrews