epineuriumEpineuriumepineuriumReorganization and orientation of regenerating nerve fibres, perineurium, and epineurium in preformed mesothelial tubes - an experim...Biocompatibility of lipid-protein-sugar particles containing bupivacaine in the epineurium.Quantitative analysis of the anatomy of the epineurium of the canine recurrent laryngeal nerve.Regional Anesthesia, Intraneural Injection, and Nerve Injury: Beyond the EpineuriumThe epineurium as a diffusion barrierMorphological changes of the epineurium in leprosy: A new finding detected by high-resolution sonographyDistinct expression of TGF-beta1 mRNA in the endo- and epineurium after nerve injuryReplacing the Traditional Neural Epineurium Suture-Study on Small Gap Bridging Peripheral Nerve InjuryMacrophage appearance in the epineurium and endoneurium of dorsal root ganglion exposed to nucleus pulposusSodium exchange through the epineurium of the bullfrog sciatic