Electronic spectra of alternant hydrocarbon di-negative ionsHückel molecular orbital π resonance energies. Nonalternant hydrocarbonsMultiplicity of the ground state of large alternant organic molecules with conjugated bondsElectron Paramagnetic Resonance of Triplet Alternant Methylenes. Propargylene and HomologsGraph theory and molecular orbitals. Total φ-electron energy of alternant hydrocarbonsCorrelations between the electronic spectra of alternant hydrocarbon molecules and their mono- and di-valent ionsTheory of the Electronic Spectra and Structure of the Polyacenes and of Alternant HydrocarbonsPerturbation selection rules for multiphoton electronic spectroscopy of neutral alternant hydrocarbonsa)Correlation effects in the low–lying excited states of the PPP models of alternant hydrocarbons. I. Qualitative rules for the effec...The polarographic reduction of conjugated hydrocarbons: IV. The mechanism of the reduction of various alternant and non‐alternant h...