eserineeserineThe action of eserine on the blood pressure of the rat.Behaviour of cats after intraventricular injections of eserine and DFPReactions of the normal mammalian muscle to acetylcholine and to eserineThe Analgetic Action of Morphine, Eserine and Prostigmine Studied by a Modified Hardy‐Wolff‐Goodell MethodStudies in the Indole Series. V. The Complete Synthesis of Physostigmine (Eserine)Action potentials of normal mammalian muscle. Effects of acetylcholine and eserineNeocortical and hippocampal activation relation to behavior: effects of atropine, eserine, phenothiazines, and amphetamine.Behavior-dependent evoked potentials in the hippocampal CA1 region of the rat. II. Effect of eserine, atropine, ether and pentobarbi...