The Esoterical Turn : Rhetoric and Rite in Swedish Freemasonry 1753-1760Research on the Esoterical Meaning of Vimalakirti-NirdesaBerdyaev of Mine – The EsotericalThe Profound Esoterical Interpretation and the Superficial External Interpretation in the Darijing-shu(大日経疏)Eschatologie alchimique chez jabir ibn HayyanPODSnetSADR AL-MUTUALLEH IN SHIRAZI ON EXOTERIC AND EROTERIC INTERPRETATION (TAFSIR AND TA'WIL)In margine alla questione dell'origine: Una traccia coheniana nella Premessa al Dramma barocco tedesco di Walter BenjaminSTANDARD OF PROOF IN MERGER CASES: REFLECTIONS IN THE LIGHT OF RECENT CASE LAW OF THE COMMUNITY COURTSA Content Analysis of the test of the National Examination for Registration Nurses in Korea over 3 years