Eucaine.Cocaine and Eucaine "Register of Purchases".Cocaine/Eucaine Sales Register: Deja Vu or Tete-beche?.Cocaine/Eucaine Sales Register: Déjà Vu or Tête-bêche?Some microchemical tests for Beta-EucaineThe configuration of beta-eucaine and beta-isoeucaine.Cocaine/Eucaine Sales Register:Déjà Vuor Tête-bêche? | Anesthesiology | ASA PublicationsLaryngectomy under eucaine anesthesia, with remarks on the technique of the operationThe Clinical Use of Borocaine Borate and Beta-Eucaine Borate for Urethral Anaesthesia.Recurring Pain after Frontal Sinus Operation, relieved by Injection of Eucaine β Solution by means of Hartmann's Frontal Sinus Cann...