The Continuation of the Eulogium Historiarum: Some Revisionist Perspectives
Eulogium - Clifford Ambrose Truesdell III (B. February 18, 1919, D. January 14, 2000)
The Eulogium ad Alexandrum Papam tertium of John of Cornwall
Historical Eulogium on Joseph Priestley, Read at the Public Sitting of the National Institute, in the Class of Mathematical and Phys...
The Cultural Features of Eulogium in the Eastern Han Dynasty
To Scott Eastham, A Paean and Eulogium
An Eulogium in Memory of the Late Dr. Benjamin Rush
Eulogium (historiarum sive Temporis) : chronicon ab orbe condito usque ad annum domini M.CCC.LXVI. : a Monacho quodam malmesburiensi...
Eulogium historiarum sive temporis
Eulogium On Governor John A. King (1867)