- The dominant idea was to be the glorification of horticulture and the exaltation of agriculture.
其主题是对园艺的赞颂,以及对农艺感到兴奋。 - Atharvaveda contains first class poetry coming from visionary poets, much of it being glorification of the curative powers of herbs and waters.
Entre glorification et abandon. L'Etat et les artisans en France (1938-1970)
Ingroup Glorification, Moral Disengagement, and Justice in the Context of Collective Violence
Psychological effects of risk glorification in the media: Towards an integrative view
The Eurocentric Discourse on Writing: An Exercise in Self-Glorification
Post/Humanity and the Interstitial: A Glorification of Possibility in Gibson's Bridge Sequence
Glorification, Disillusionment or the Way into the Future? The significance of Local Agenda 21 processes for the needs of local sust...
The Transformation of French Industrial Relations: Glorification of the Enterprise and Disaffection on the Streets
On the Perils of Glorifying the In‐group: Intergroup Violence, In‐group Glorification, and Moral Disengagement
Regional identity as celebration and routine: ‘Mitteldeutschland’s’ glorification and its taken-for-granted meaning in media cont...
Global Political Economy And Development Of Underdevelopment: Different People, Same Market And Glorification Of Poverty