First Excited States of Even-Even Nuclides in the Heavy Element RegionLarge Strain, Elasto-Plastic Finite Element Analysisα decay of even-even superheavy elementsELECTRICAL SWITCH RESPONSIVE TO SUDDEN MOVEMENTS OF AN EXTERNAL ELEMENTIn-line dual element fluid flow probeMultiphonon Kpi=0+ states in even-even deformed nuclei. 2. Calculation of matrix elements of a general HamiltonianErratum: α decay of even-even superheavy elements [Phys. Rev. C 81, 034613 (2010)]On the level density of even–even nuclei in the regions of rare-earth and actinide elementsMultiphonon Kπ=0+ states in even-even deformed nuclei. II. Calculation of matrix elements of a general HamiltonianMultiphonon states in even-even spherical nuclei II. Calculation of the matrix elements of one and two body operators