- He is an exceedingly tedious fellow.
他是一个非常令人生厌的家伙。 - We found out that he was exceedingly fond of fishing.
我们发现他极其喜欢钓鱼。 - Herbert drives exceedingly fast.
LNA (Locked Nucleic Acid): An RNA Mimic Forming Exceedingly Stable LNA:LNA Duplexes
Absolute diversification rates in angiosperms ERRATUM
Ancient Feeding Ecology and Niche Differentiation of Pleistocene Mammalian Herbivores from Tarija, Bolivia: Morphological and Isotop...
Quantifying Threats to Imperiled Species in the United States Assessing the relative importance of habitat destruction, alien specie...
Cancer Metastasis: Building a Framework
The Limiting Similarity, Convergence, and Divergence of Coexisting Species
A theory of lexical access in speech production
Constructing validity: Basic issues in objective scale development.
The crisis in antibiotic resistance
Electronic wave functions in semiconductor clusters: experiment and theory