The eco-cognitive model of abduction II : Irrelevance and implausibility exculpatedHawthorne's Drowne: Felix Culpa ExculpatedBritish Image Exculpated From the "Barbarian"in Late Qing Dynasty——Comparing British Images in Guo Song-tao and Xue Fu-cheng's Am...IS A DEFAULTING FIDUCIARY EXCULPATED BY THE PRINCIPAL'S HYPOTHETICAL CONSENT?Delaware Chancery Court Holds Investment Bank Liable for Aiding and Abetting Exculpated Direc …Negligence. Defenses. Railroad Held Exculpated by Decedent Telegraph Employee's Contract with Telegraph Company Which Was Bound to I...John Locke, Carolina, and the "Two Treatises of Government"Manipulated data in Shell's Benzene Historical Exposure StudyRethinking the Just War TraditionProducts liability /