Designing exercise regimens to increase bone strengthLow back exercises: evidence for improving exercise regimensIntegrated pedometer device for tracking an exercise regimenA rat resistance exercise regimen attenuates losses of musculoskeletal mass during hindlimb suspensionA focused exercise regimen improves clinical measures of balance in patients with peripheral neuropathy ☆ ☆☆ ★A multi-component exercise regimen to prevent functional decline and bone fragility in home-dwelling elderly women: randomized, cont...No difference between two splint and exercise regimens for people with osteoarthritis of the thumb: A randomised controlled trialEndurance exercise regimens induce differential effects on brain-derived neurotrophic factor, synapsin-I and insulin-like growth fac...An observer-blinded comparison of supervised and unsupervised aerobic exercise regimens in fibromyalgia.Effects of an interactive computer game exercise regimen on balance impairment in frail community-dwelling older adults: a randomize...