- Take a deep breath, then exhale slowly.
深吸一口气,然后慢慢呼气。 - She exhaled slowly to show her annoyance.
她长叹以示厌烦。 - He lit his cigar and exhaled smoke.
他点燃雪茄,然后吐出烟雾。 - He exhaled the pungent odor of garlic.
NO waiting to exhale in asthma
Asthma genetics: Waiting to exhale
Asthma genetics: waiting to exhale.
Women and lung cancer: waiting to exhale.
Mutual information based CT registration of the lung at exhale and inhale breathing states using thin‐plate splines
Bronchoscopic lung-volume reduction with Exhale airway stents for emphysema (EASE trial): randomised, sham-controlled, multicentre t...
Improvement of CT-based treatment-planning models of abdominal targets using static exhale imaging
Simulation of four-dimensional CT images from deformable registration between inhale and exhale breath-hold CT scans.
Target volume definition for upper abdominal irradiation using CT scans obtained during inhale and exhale phases
Personal exposure to volatile organic compounds. I. Direct measurements in breathing-zone air, drinking water, food, and exhaled bre...