- Our local brewery has amalgamated with another firm.
我们本地的酿酒厂与另一个公司合并了。 - There are plans to amalgamate the village school with a larger one nearby.
Amalgamating knowledge bases, III: distributed mediators
Amalgamating Language and Metalanguage in Logic Programming
Amalgamating eastern Gondwana: The evolution of the Circum-Indian Orogens
Amalgamating knowledge bases, III: Algorithms, data structures and query processing ☆
Quartet MaxCut: A fast algorithm for amalgamating quartet trees
Amalgamating sessions and methods in object-oriented languages with generics. Theoretical Computer Science
The Dynamic OODA Loop: Amalgamating Boyd’s OODA Loop and the Cybernetic Approach to Command and Control
Fitting stratified proportional odds models by amalgamating conditional likelihoods
Employing Semantically Driven Adaptation for Amalgamating Software Quality Assurance with Process Management
Synthesized clustering: A method for amalgamating alternative clustering bases with differential weighting of variables