Quark catalysis of exothermal nuclear reactions.Magnetohydrodynamic effects on exothermal wavesSmoking article having exothermal catalyst downstream of fuel elementExothermal Water Release from Pseudoboehmite Gels and Their Mechanically Treated Analogs Caused by Activated HydrogenExothermal characteristics and release of residual monomers from fiber-reinforced oligomer-modified acrylic bone cement.Open loop thermal control of exothermal chemical reactions in multifunctional heat exchangersAlternative solution for strongly exothermal catalytic reactions: a new metal-structured catalyst carrierTube bundle reactor, its use in exothermal organic reactions and process for the preparation of ketones and aldehydesComparative assessment of the dynamic behaviour of an exothermal chemical reaction including data uncertaintiesSecond osmotic virial coefficient revisited: Variation with molecular weight and temperature from endothermal to exothermal conditions