The Exstrophy-epispadias complex
Cloacal Exstrophy: A Report of 34 Cases
Complete primary repair of exstrophy.
The Inheritance of the Exstrophy-Epispadias Complex
Complete primary repair of exstrophy (see comments)
The anatomy of the pelvis in the exstrophy complex.
Oblique pelvic osteotomy in the exstrophy/epispadias complex
Discordant sexual identity in some genetic males with cloacal exstrophy assigned to female sex at birth.
Appendicovesicostomy: a new technique for bladder diversion during reconstruction of cloacal exstrophy.
Gender Identity Outcome in Female-Raised 46,XY Persons with Penile Agenesis, Cloacal Exstrophy of the Bladder, or Penile Ablation