Using logistic regression to model metapopulation dynamics: large-scale forestry extirpates the pool frog.Flow Management for Hydropower Extirpates Aquatic Insects, Undermining River Food Webs[Electron microscopic studies of mucosal extirpates of rabbits after after in vitro contact with Pasteurella multocida subsp. multoc...Biochanin A extirpates the epithelial-mesenchymal transition in a human lung cancerAdding insult to injury in Texas grasslands: Crazy ant extirpates imported fire ant and further reduces native ant and arthropod div...AN APPARATUS WHICH EXTIRPATES VERMINEvidence for bovine parafilariosis in Italy: First isolation of Parafilaria bovicola (Tubangui, 1934) from autochthonous cattleA skink out of water: impacts of anthropogenic disturbance on an Endangered reptile in Australian highland swampsMalaria Eelapses after Treatment with Salvarsan.Obama’s Prostitution of Democracy