lie fallow休闲;潜伏
summer fallow夏季休耕;夏季休闲
Effect of pre-fallowing application of glyphosate on hoary cress (Cardaria draba (L.) Desv.).The degradation of fish-cage waste in sediments during fallowing.Land use and forest fallowing dynamics in seasonally dry tropical forests of the southern Yucatán Peninsula, MexicoFarmers' adoptability of Mucuna fallowing and agroforestry technologies in the coastal savanna of BeninFallowing of marine Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., farms as a method for the control of sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Kroyer,...Winter cereal production on the Darling Downs - an 11 year study of fallowing practices.Responses of soil crusting, runoff and erosion to fallowing in the sub-humid and semi-arid regions of West Africa.Temporal Patterns of Sea Louse Infestation on Wild Pacific Salmon in Relation to the Fallowing of Atlantic Salmon FarmsAssessment effects of cage culture on nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in relation to fallowing in a shallow lake in ChinaThe weed seed population of arable soiL III. The re-establishment of weed species after reduction by fallowing.