- I hope to hear favourably from you.
我期待着您的好消息。 - But other farms are less favourably sited, and flooding can sometimes spell disaster for their owners.
但其他农场的位置不那么有利,有时洪水会给农场主带来灾难。 - The president was famous for twisting the arms of members of Congress to persuade them to vote favourably on his proposal.
这位总统以善于向议会成员施加压力并说服他们对他的提案投票赞成而闻名。 - I can offer them to you at price which you will find to compare very favourably with those of their importer.
Day 3 embryo transfer with combined evaluation at the pronuclear and cleavage stages compares favourably with day 5 blastocyst trans...
Apfel's simplified score may favourably predict the risk of postoperative nausea and vomiting.
Review article: treatments that impact favourably upon the eradication of Helicobacter pylori and ulcer recurrence.
The prostacyclin/thromboxane balance is favourably shifted in Greenland Eskimos
Blood lipid and lipoprotein adaptations to exercise: a quantitative analysis.
Car use: lust and must. Instrumental, symbolic and affective motives for car use
Prolonged colchicine treatment in four patients with amyloidosis.
The Pfam Protein Families Database
A local exchange-correlation potential for the spin polarized case. i
Hysteresis properties of titanomagnetites: Grain-size and compositional dependence