- Well here we are near the halfway point in the season and the club continues to find itself amidst controversy.
Noise amidst the silence: off-target effects of siRNAs?
Carbon sequestration in soils: some cautions amidst optimism.
Angiogenesis Therapy Amidst the Hype, the Neglected Potential for Serious Side Effects
Establishing sexual dimorphism: conservation amidst diversity?
Homologous chromosome interactions in meiosis: diversity amidst conservation
Metacognition amidst narratives of self and illness in schizophrenia: associations with neurocognition, symptoms, insight and qualit...
Path-planning strategies for a point mobile automaton moving amidst unknown obstacles of arbitrary shape
On the union of Jordan regions and collision-free translational motion amidst polygonal obstacles
Increased regulatory T-cell fraction amidst a diminished CD4 compartment explains cellular immune defects in patients with malignant...
On the “piano movers'” problem I. The case of a two-dimensional rigid polygonal body moving amidst polygonal barriers