clay figurine n. 泥人;泥塑,泥雕
The “Venus” FigurinesFigurines with container cap stand & merchandising methodReading prehistoric figurines as individualsPrehistoric Figurines: Representation and Corporeality in the Neolithic.THE AUTHENTICITY OF VESSELS AND FIGURINES IN THE HACILAR STYLESelf-Representation in Upper Paleolithic Female FigurinesThe “Venus” Figurines: Textiles, Basketry, Gender, and Status in the Upper PaleolithicPrehistoric Figurines: Representation and Corporeality in the Neolithic. 2005. London: Routledge. (Introductory Chapter only)Analysis of the pigments on painted pottery figurines from the Han Dynasty's Yangling Tombs by Raman microscopyCongruent distribution of Neolithic painted pottery and ceramic figurines with Y-chromosome lineages