- I don't know what the finality is.
我不知道最终的结局. - There was a note of finality in his voice.
Finality regained: A coalgebraic study of Scott-sets and multisets
Finality in Criminal Law and Federal Habeas Corpus for State Prisoners
A Vulnerable Justice: Finality oc Civil Judgments in China
Finality versus Consistency: Does Investor-State Arbitration Need an Appellate System
Prosodic predictors of discourse finality in spontaneous monologues.
System and method for intraday netting payment finality
The System of Interpretance, Naturalizing Meaning as Finality
The property of finality and the analysis of problems in reactor space-time kinetics by various modal expansions
On the storeyed revenge of strengthened liars, and the contrary finality of no-proposition resolutions
The rise of electronic payments networks and the future role of the Fed with regard to payment finality